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Cycle of Violence Still

Giggling as she hops between hills of fluffy pink cotton wool, Bunny tries to charm and seduce us. The relationship, at first so intimate and lustful, suddenly breaks down and turns to a furious escalation of accusations and violence.

Concept, Direction, Animation, Production: Felicia Bergström
Bunny: Teresa Riemann
Musik: Tim Wollmann
Sound Design & Sound Mixing: Samuel L. Schwenk
4.0 Sound Mixing: Vincent Merfort & Samuel L. Schwenk
Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

2021, Cycle of Violence (installation), 6 min. loop. 4-channel video installation.
2022, Cycle of violence (VR), 7 min. 30 sec. 360° film.
2024, Cycle of violence: Puppy Please!, short film, 6 min. 6 sec. single-channel short film.

Director's statement
With the Cycle of Violence project I am trying to understand the mechanisms behind violence in relationships. The project has resulted in three different works based on the same idea and material. The first is a full room video installation projected on four walls around the audience in an endless loop. The second version is a 360° film that can be viewed in virtual reality. The third version is a single-channel short film. The work focuses primarily on the perpetrator in a relationship and not on the victim. In this case, it is the female character Bunny. It is an attempt to understand why she becomes violent and how she then justifies her behaviour to herself. When she finds a legitimate reason for her destructive behaviour, she allows it to be repeated over and over again. In Bunny's case, she sees herself as a victim and believes she must and has the right to defend herself. She neglects her own responsibility for what is happening and instead blames it on the other party, in this case the viewer.

Cycle of Violence and Hjärterum
Cycle of Violence is related to another project, Hjärterum. They have been developed together and although they seem to be opposites, they are strongly connected. While working on the theme of domestic violence, I felt that I needed to create something that would give this Bunny comfort and a sense of safety and security, so that she could stop defending herself and stop exposing others to violence. At the same time, I feel responsible and guilty for exposing my audience to Bunny's violence, and I want to give them a place to recover. This is how the idea for Hjärterum was born.
Find out more about HJÄRTERUM.

Cycle of Violence Still

Cycle of Violence Still

Cycle of Violence Installation
Installation from inside.

Cycle of Violence Installation
Installation from outside.

Cycle of Violence Film still
Film still

Cycle of Violence Film still
Film still

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